
TeaP 2022 - Disentangling individuals’ aesthetic preferences for order and complexity: A parametric, multidimensional approach

Which visual displays do we aesthetically appreciate, and why? Order and complexity have often been suggested as important factors related to appreciation, but the exact type and direction of their relation to appreciation is still under debate. To …

CPC 2021 - Shape variation in proximity grouping: An individual differences approach

In 1995, Kubovy and Wagemans demonstrated that the probability of grouping elements can be quantified as a decreasing exponential function of the distance between those elements, thereby quantifying the law of proximity. This study has been the …

CPC 2021 - The OCTA toolbox as a new tool to create reproducible and adaptable stimuli to study configural processing

Originally created for aesthetics research, the newly developed Order & Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics (OCTA) allows for the creation of stimuli varying qualitatively and quantitatively in order and complexity along multiple stimulus dimensions …


the Order and Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics