DigiSoc 2021 - The development of the OCTA toolbox: An accessible, open-source tool to create flexible and reproducible visual displays


Originally created for research on aesthetic appreciation, the newly developed Order & Complexity Toolbox for Aesthetics (OCTA) allows for the creation of visual multi-element displays varying qualitatively and quantitatively in order and complexity, by varying the characteristics of the elements in the displays along multiple dimensions (e.g., position, shape, size, color, orientation). Elements can include geometric shapes, but also images or custom-defined vector-based shapes. The standard vector-based output is ideal for online use and the creation of dynamic interfaces and stimuli, but raster-based output is possible too. Furthermore, some element or stimulus characteristics can be easily animated. OCTA is available as an open-source Python toolbox (https://github.com/gestaltrevision/OCTA_toolbox), but also as an easy to use openly available point-and-click web application (https://elinevg.shinyapps.io/OCTA_toolbox/). Although the toolbox is mainly meant to provide perception and aesthetics researchers with a free and easy way to create reproducible and parametrically manipulated stimulus sets, it can also be used by the general public to easily create interesting visual displays. Furthermore, outcomes from research using OCTA stimuli can also be visualized using interactive online applications (https://elinevg.shinyapps.io/OCTAratings_explore/), making research data available for exploration by a broader audience in an easy and interactive way.

Oct 26, 2021 11:00