A reproducible PhD: Adventures in open science and reproducible reporting.


Finding your way in the ever-increasing landscape of responsible research practices is not an easy task. Getting acquainted with open and responsible research methods and tools requires a personal investment on top of your daily research hassles, and opinions between researchers vary widely in which of those practices are worth undertaking. Blessed with the unlimited patience and support of my PhD supervisor, I challenged myself to start my long walk towards a reproducible PhD. I will discuss my adventures in open science and reproducible reporting, and what helped and motivated me along the way. I want to focus on the importance of small successes, personal engagement, and a supportive environment in your personal development as a responsible researcher. My aim is to inspire other researchers at KU Leuven to start their personal journey towards open and reproducible science, by showing how I am dealing with the enormously rich garden of responsible research practices and by emphasizing the importance of not letting perfect be the enemy of the good. To give a short teaser, my personal adventures with open and reproducible science include: preregistration, valuing the importance of theory, open data and code, interactive data visualizations, Bayesian statistics, open source software development, broader science communication, teaching open science, attending and organizing open science events, and reproducible reporting, the latter with an online, interactive, reproducible mid-term report as a personal highlight.

May 3, 2021
KU Leuven Open Science Study Day